Wednesday, June 30, 2010


 Well the Collage I am thinking about taking online courses with called me again. I am still really up in the air about it. I want to go, but I am not ready just yet to take that step. I want to wait until I have John settled in School before I make that choice. I know a lot of people reading this, (if anyone even does) is thinking that I am just saying that. That if I do not do it now. I will not do it at all. That's not true. Everyone said that when I had dropped out of high school. *Something I am NOT proud of doing* No one truly thought I would go for my GED. But Not only did I do that, But I also was one of the highest scores... Beat that.

I want to take Photography courses. I want to be able to open my own studio. I WANT IT BAD. But not bad enough that my child will not be taken care of first. He is the first most important thing in my life. Truly. I want a B.A in Photography, but I want to make sure that I will be able to balance everything. John, Thomas, Life, School. Sighs.

On the other side of the coin. I need to make up my mind fast...... I need to go ahead and pick a side.


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