Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2 hours later.....

   And John & I are both covered in marker, Hes writing better & doing some basic math skills again. =) Hes gone to play on the computer, but for the past two hours we worked on his "workbooks". Hes so excited about school & he's loving the workbooks!!! I hope that he keeps it up.

I've got company coming for dinner... Around 6 so that means around 5:30 Ive got to start it, Which means from now until 4:00 I can mess around, come four I need to get my clothes put away, & the rest of my stuff done.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


              I've always tried working with John. Teaching him his numbers, Letters, Colors & Shapes. But I'm not a teacher, I'm not always willing to sit there through his mistakes, but I try. Hes my baby, & I love him, but sometimes when he plays stupid I really get upset. That's normal. I know it. But it still makes me feel bad for getting bad at him when hes playing stupid.

               So with that, We've gotten him workbooks to work on to get his ready for school. Teaching him his writing has been my biggest nightmare, until I got these "workbooks". He wants to trace them & get them right so he can get checks & make 100's. Its cute. but sad because he feels bad when he gets one wrong. Did I do that to him?  Ive been telling him its okay to make mistakes as long as he tries, that Mommy & daddy don't get mad when he tries hard, we get upset when he knows it, but thinks its funny to act like he doesn't. He seems to understand. Today we did some math, he learned how to write his numbers. IN A DAY. Ive been trying to teach him to write for over a year. Go figure. I'm proud of my little monster. We've been working for about an hour.  And hes been doing really great. I'm proud of him. We just finished the workbook one & are going onto workbook 2. they are Pre-school workbooks, but still. I didn't think to teach John some of this stuff.  Thursday we should start on the Kindergarten workbooks.

I need to still work on him with the sounds the letters make. But other than that, hes pretty much set for School.

Sitting here with John makes me have a great respect for teachers of pre-schoolers, & kindergarten kids. Like my friend over  at  Katherine. She taught art to kids John's age. I dont think I could handle it. Sometimes just one is more then enough.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

More Quiet?

Today was an almost perfect day. I know that there is no such thing as perfect, but sometimes, we get close. Today we went to Karma Salon & Day Spa. To get a hair cuts. My good friend LaRetta works there. John went first, & although it doesn't seem like he got a hair cut, he did. Of course it had to be styled in a FoHawk. Hes something else. The rest of the day was spent chilling out & enjoying just being us. The men played the Xbox, then somehow or another my little man talked his daddy into grilling steaks. So off to the store we went.

The rest of the night was fun. Outside playing, taking pictures & grilling. It was Amazing. It wasn't hot or really to hot. I had alot of fun. I forget sometimes just how much fun we can have, just sitting at home.

& of course Im looking forward to tomorrow morning. For as long as I can remember we all climb in bed on Sunday mornings. (Dog & cats too!!) & just veg out, play, tickle. Im really going to miss those Sunday Mornings when John gets too big.

Good Morning.

Good Morning Fellow Bloggers. I haven't blogged much this week. I started at least two a day, & then of course something came up. The cat was sick, the child needed something, or my favorite the Hubby needed dinner. Sighs.  So this moring when I got up bright & early because my black lab, Herc, needed to go out,( & for some reason thought that I was just the right person to do it,) I thought I'd blog. There hasn't been much of anything going on.

 This weekend is tax free weekend on all clothes & school stuff. Lucky for me all I needed to get left for John was some more jeans. He needed some. Thats it. He's all right to go off to school.  While I on the other hand am not looking forward to it much. =/

What can I say after five years of almost always being a stay at home mom. (I really dont count my waitressing Job I had going on there for a while. Because well the job sucked, it was only a few hours a night, & well John never seemed to miss me. ) I'm not sure what I will do with all that time to myself. Its going to be nice. Thomas should be home most days, but he'll be sleeping. I'll be able to get all the housework done nice & bright & early. Thats a major plus..... Isnt?

I haven't been doing much with my camera. I guess I just haven't felt like it. The last true photographys I took were great, but I haven't been paid for them yet. So of course I really shouldn't post them anywhere. Which stink. But besides those & the ones of John's birthday party, I really haven't been doing alot with my Camera. I still love my camera,  I just dont know. A rut I guess.

So with that being said, My cat just got sick again. (side note, its really John's cat. I just pick up its puke. Lucky me.)