Monday, November 29, 2010


Oh yeah,, I'm back on my own computer. I can't even explain how excited I am to be able to sit here on my own computer & type. My keyboard. O, have I missed my keyboard & my pictures..!!!!! It feels wonderful. I can't even explain. You go so long with our own & then have to go to using someone Else's computer. NOT COOL!!!!!

I could have kissed the guy at the computer store if he had more of a personality. Oops. It was like talking to a computer.... *eye roll goes here*. Thomas laughed at me. Because I told him & the dude at the computer store that they were my hero's. O my computer how I have missed thee.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Thanksgiving this year was once again Bittersweet.  It was a long but fun filled day. I spent most of the day with my friend Marilyn. I  hang out at her house while keeping track of the game. (Yea Baby the Pats totally kicked Lion Butt!!) Then we took off down to grandma's house for a little bit & then back to our friends house for there Thanksgiving. All in all it was a good day.

I guess I just dont like this time of year because of Daddy. Its really hard. Maybe next year will be easier. But with him passing away, his birthday & Thanksgiving all within the same week, its a hard time. (Daddy's favorite Holiday was Thanksgiving.) But It was good to remember the good times with him.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Day Daddy!!!
I can't believe a year has already passed us by
Its been hard without you
& tomorrow is going to even that much harder
But This year Im thankful for all the memories
that you left us with.
As much as it hurts,
I know that You're better off,
& are looking down upon us
with a grin on your face.
Enjoy your Birthday
Your Thanksgiving.

Today was hard, harder then Saturday. We took five balloons out to the gravesite & let them go. Each & every one reached the sky. It was bitter sweet... I know that this should be getting easier, but It doesn't seem like it. Theres not a day that doesn't go by that I'll think about him, or want to cry when I see a picture of him...

He might not have been my real father, but I couldn't have asked for a better father in law to have. He was an amazing man. && I wish he knows how much we miss him & How much we love him & think about it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I made it through.

I made it through Saturday. It was killer, but I did it. I had some amazing friends to help me through it. Now if I can only get through the 24-25!!! I cried some, & laughed some & remembered some amazing memories. I just didn't think it would hurt this much after a year. I was wrong. I was really really really wrong.

I guess the saying is true. You never get over the pain, you just learn how to live with it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Almost A Year.

=( & I dont know if I can cope with it.

Im trying really hard, but its not so easy. I miss him.. Alot. This week has been really rough on me. & Its all I can do to keep from breaking down.. I heard that song by Carrie Underwood last week & it just all came rushing back. It was the first time I had listened to it since the day we laid him to rest. My god daughter did an amazing job on it.

But it hurts, & it hurts alot.... Im trying to keep a smile on my face, & be happy & bouncy.. But really all I want to do is cancel Thanksgiving & Curl up in bed & sleep until Dec. 1st.

I miss you Daddy....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Forced Break

Eh, I hate this. Im being forced into taking a break from the net. My laptops charger kicked the bucket. & Stupid me didn't know it so I also killed the battery to it. Im having to borrow computers & after having my very own, no one else allowed to touch it, computer. This is killing me. Blah.

So this might be the last post for a little while, (Unless my hubby pays to get me a new charger SOON) So im going to leave you with a few pictures of my beautiful god-daughter & her boyfriend.

I love how these pictures turned out. They didn't want me to take them, but I got my way & Im really glad that I was able to get the pictures done. They all came out great. Its not often that I can honestly say that theres little to no pictures that I dont trash in a shoot like this.. This one theres so far NONE!!!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Going to do Good.

               Thats my plan for today. I plan on taking a walk. Yes I know its freezing, but it will be O.K. I also plan on looking into getting a gym membership. =) I need to do something to keep me busy durning the days, & help me get back into being healthy. There's also a few classes Ive been looking into taking. Like dance or something.... (don't ask what the or something is.)

             John brought home his first ever report card. I can't believe it. I wanted to cry. My baby is growing up soo friggin fast. WAY to fast. He also brought home yet another yellow smiley & a broken coat. YAY me... So I have to see if I can find someone who can fix the zipper on it, because thats a friggin REAL LEATER coat. (His grandmother bought it last year for him as a gift because he fell in love with it.) Eh...

Anyway I might post some pictures later, IM not sure If I am going to be taking the camera with me when I go for my walk or not. & I have friends coming for dinner tonight. So I need to get my butt moving & get my housework done. =) Im soo proud of myself, Ive blown if off all week.

*Side note- Please understand I have ADHD & OPCD... Its a very odd mix to have.. Really friggin odd. So For me to blow of my housework for once is a good thing. The Deal On OCPD *

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Music, Rain & Naps!!

                 So Im sitting outside, (under my carport) enjoying the rain. I love the rain most days. Its relaxing & peaceful. If I thought I could get away with it, Id go for a walk, but I don't want to end up sick...So Im sitting here listen to music & trying to figure out what I am going to do with John when he comes home from school today. We can't go outside to play, since Its raining.. We played kickball for at least an hour yesterday afterschool. He brought home a green smiley face. Which is always a good thing.

I got sleep last night, & I took a nap today. which of course makes me feel bad since I didn't spend my morning with Thomas like I normally try to do. Oops. Eh, Tomorrow will be better. I  got a Starbucks engery shot... =)

Anyway no pictures today due to the rain.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3:00 Am

                  Yes you read that right. It said 3:00 am. Why 3:00 am, because thats the hour that I woke at... & Have been up since. Its a chilly rainy day. & Im hating being forced to stay in doors. How sad is that? Durning the summer when people want to go outside, I want to stay inside. Durning the cold weather, Im the one that wants to get out in it..

I really need to take a nap. *& Tried to but the phone kept ringing.*

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday? Are you Sure?

Are you really sure today is Monday? Oh I mean I know it is. I had a Good day. A Good MONDAY!!! I'm pretty damn happy about that. There was nothing special about this day. Nothing out of the blue happened. I did get to take the camera out for a walk. It was relaxing until I got chased down by some random mutt. Really? Can't you please keep your dogs in the yard or on chains if they are mean little yapping pains in the butts? Please.

Of course I got some odd looks for walking down the road with a camera in my hand, but I Like walking. It helps relax me, & its good for the soul. I guess its because its kind of getting cold down here. *Which in case you are reading this & wondering. I love the cold. I guess its the New England-er in me.* I didn't get as many shots as I hoped I would, but I got a few.