I just remember that this was to be a blog & photography of a stay at home wife & mom. Oops. I guess I kind of forgot about that part.

While I have been taking pictures like CRAZY, I just haven't been blogging. Eh, what can I say. OoO I know I have writers block. Do you believe that? Anyway, I guess Things are about the same. I am really enjoying the fall weather. I proved to the people that live around me that I am NOT a vampire. I don't burn *or glitter* when I step into the sunlight. I think that's a major plus. Right?
Life has been quiet. Really quiet. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. John's in school so I find alot of time on my hands. It sure does make it easier to get pictures. but still really quiet. Im really glad that Thomas' invested in an Ipod for me. I think he is too!!
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