So today is a good day. Thomas is still out on the road, & well Me being bored thought that I would take even more pictures of my little man and a friend of mines daughter. Feebee. She's a cutie. They had alot of fun playing & getting their pictures taken. I figured I might as well go ahead & get some pictures made while he's still four. Not that it matters much since, I take at least one picture of him daily. Ha Ha. I blame that on my mother for never taking baby pictures of my brother & I. *older* & only of my baby brother. I want John & any other child to know that They have them. Besides that I really like photography.
So Anyway Im here at the house by myself for a change. Ive got the radio *ipod* going. Enjoying the time. Cooking myself a small meal. Then its time to sit back & relax. Maybe watch a movie or two... Take a bubble bath. I honestly dont know. Knowing me I'll end up cleaning up some. The house isn't really messy, I just can't stand to see any kind of mess in living areas. *again I blame that on my childhood.* Anyway dinners on. so Enjoy the photos.
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