This past weekend we took John out to the OuterBanks. We wanted to take him to Grave Diggers Home. We got there. The look on John's face was priceless. He had a blast walking about looking at all the of trucks. He enjoyed his self alot. & He almost got to meet Dennis Anderson. Almost.
By the time we got there, the line was LONG. & It turns out that he had a lunch date with a little boy. From Make a Wish. The little boy the whole time was waiting to have lunch. He wasn't upset about the wait, he was okay with it. Stopping to tell everyone that Grave Digger was his favorite. It was really really sweet. The little boy couldn't have been no older then John. It was heart breaking.....

So Mr. Anderson made sure he got to just about every fan, & then took off to have lunch. I met him years ago in Jeresy. When I was just a little older then John. & Honestly. The fact that he's gotten really really big hasn't gone to his head like some other drivers. Even then he took the time out to try to VISIT with every fan of every size....He was being rushed, but he still tried... Thats one of the reasons GRAVE Digger will always be a favorite of mine. Since John didn't get to meet him this last time, So we plan on taking him back to meet him. Hopefully later this summer. I know that we need to go ahead and take him to a Monster Truck Rally. I think he'll get the biggest kick out of it. He loves his monster trucks.

We had a nice time. It was nice enough I guess out there. We had to go across some of the longest bridges ever. (Mind you not as long as the one in VA.) but long just the same. The picture to the left is one that John took with my finepix camera as we were crossing the longest bridge to go back to Plymouth. (N.C Where we stayed.) He did a good job on it. Momma is soo proud that John likes photography like me.
& this one was taken with the Nikon of some random man sailing in the ocean. It looks like a lot of fun, but I don't know if I would trust some little tiny boat in a great big ocean, with the weather being really really really choppy.
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