Well the Collage I am thinking about taking online courses with called me again. I am still really up in the air about it. I want to go, but I am not ready just yet to take that step. I want to wait until I have John settled in School before I make that choice. I know a lot of people reading this, (if anyone even does) is thinking that I am just saying that. That if I do not do it now. I will not do it at all. That's not true. Everyone said that when I had dropped out of high school. *Something I am NOT proud of doing* No one truly thought I would go for my GED. But Not only did I do that, But I also was one of the highest scores... Beat that.
I want to take Photography courses. I want to be able to open my own studio. I WANT IT BAD. But not bad enough that my child will not be taken care of first. He is the first most important thing in my life. Truly. I want a B.A in Photography, but I want to make sure that I will be able to balance everything. John, Thomas, Life, School. Sighs.
On the other side of the coin. I need to make up my mind fast...... I need to go ahead and pick a side.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
In a Sea of Red
The early mornings are sometimes my favorite time of the day. My little man comes & cuddles in my bed when he first gets up. But only when he thinks I'm not awake. This morning he was surprised to see my awake!!!! So he burys his self under my covers, (my bedspread & my throw blanket.) I am trying to figure out how one little four year old can HOG a whole KING SIZED blanket, & a Super KING THROW blanket. How is that even possible?
Anyway. It turns out that My husband after working since Midnight , comes home to tell me that he is buying a car. a 79 Camero. His dream car. How can I tell him no. I'm not happy about it. But on the plus side I did get a promise on a upgrade to my Nikon (Ive got the D90 model. & I love it.) & *drum roll please* I don't have to sell the D90. I can have both. Thankfully. I love my camera. I just want to see how great the D5000 is. I think that's the one I'm gonna get. I'm not sure. But I have to wait to get it. That's the only down fall. Mind you my camera is only a year & half old. & I do Love it. I love it to death. But No one else can use it. I pretty much take it over. If there are two in the house Thomas could take one with him, & I can use one too.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rainy Day
So today being a slow day. I thought I would make some more changes to my blog. The reason for the changes is, as I was writing for AS WE WRITE IT, I really did not do a lot for my own blog. As Katherine tries to fix up that blog, I thought I would wrote on my own. As of yet, I do not know if I shall be returning to her blog or not. I honestly do not know. I enjoyed writing for her, but looking back now I think my own posts (compared to hers) were rather boring. I really do not see my self as creative. She on the other hand is. I would love to go back, & we shall see about that.
John turns five next month. FIVE!!!! Can you believe it. He wants to have a monster jam themed birthday party. Because it is a big birthday he just might get what he wants.
Well the rain is back... And I have a dinner to fix.
As We Write It. Kat,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Getting Ready
To law down the law about bedtimes. It really sucks, but I have to get John into the habit of going to bed when Told, not when he wants to. (thank you daddy for that one.) Its been hard to keep John on a set time because of the hours Thomas use to work. When he worked at Western Star he worked from 9-8 sometimes later, so he never got to see John, & then he was driving & wasn't ever home, & I wanted them to get the time together, but with School {Can't believe it. So not fair. It means my little man is growing up.} starting in a few short months, Ive gotta get him & me on set times for bed & waking up. This should be a lot of fun....
It might be easier then I'm thinking though because Thomas switches to night hours tonight... Which means I wont have him keeping me up all night!!! Although I doubt I sleep much because I'm so so use to him being in the bed with me. Its going to hard to once again readjust to him not being there.
It might be easier then I'm thinking though because Thomas switches to night hours tonight... Which means I wont have him keeping me up all night!!! Although I doubt I sleep much because I'm so so use to him being in the bed with me. Its going to hard to once again readjust to him not being there.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Today Felt Like a Saturday
We were going to ride to the shore, to have our "weekend" because Thomas starts his new hours sunday. But because of the storms rolling in, we didn't.... So instead we went to the Pottery & to the Mall. & I didn't get anything. I wanted to get "Bella's" Jewerly set. but I opened the box the only one there & it was Broken. Stupid.
Anyway thats was about it today. We went to COLD STONE. Which of course made me want to go to A.Z. & Bc I was thinking about AZ now I want IN & OUT Burger. Which is this totally kick ass burger place on the West Coast. I want to go out to AZ to see my family more, but I wouldnt turn down a trip to IN & OUT.
Anyway thats was about it today. We went to COLD STONE. Which of course made me want to go to A.Z. & Bc I was thinking about AZ now I want IN & OUT Burger. Which is this totally kick ass burger place on the West Coast. I want to go out to AZ to see my family more, but I wouldnt turn down a trip to IN & OUT.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
This past weekend we took John out to the OuterBanks. We wanted to take him to Grave Diggers Home. We got there. The look on John's face was priceless. He had a blast walking about looking at all the of trucks. He enjoyed his self alot. & He almost got to meet Dennis Anderson. Almost.
By the time we got there, the line was LONG. & It turns out that he had a lunch date with a little boy. From Make a Wish. The little boy the whole time was waiting to have lunch. He wasn't upset about the wait, he was okay with it. Stopping to tell everyone that Grave Digger was his favorite. It was really really sweet. The little boy couldn't have been no older then John. It was heart breaking.....
& this one was taken with the Nikon of some random man sailing in the ocean. It looks like a lot of fun, but I don't know if I would trust some little tiny boat in a great big ocean, with the weather being really really really choppy.
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