Yesturday afternoon, a friend of Thomas' passed away at the young age of 34, leaving behind two beautiful little boys. Its heartbreaking, Its sad, && its scary.
It gets a person to thinking. I think that Thomas & I are going to go set up our wills, or final wishes, & such, as creepy as this sounds plan out everything. I already know what I want. Its simple. If am I to be buried I want my hair straighten, my toes painted the brightiest pink that they can find. a pair of mens pj bottoms, && god forbid if I have to have shoes I want flipflops....... I shouldn't be thinking of this, but with all the death surround us lately, Im learning its better to plan ahead. John & Thomas are to have my belongings. My wedding rings are to be put in a locked box at the bank, with any other jewelry that meant anything to me, for John when hes older, My cameras are to go to him too. && if he doesn't want them, then he can sell them & have the money put into his account.
Thomas has told me what he wants, now we just have to have it all put into writing, && god forbid something happens to both of us, we want it planned out for John. So he has someone to care for him. That will raise him the way we want him raised... && whom we don't wnat to get him, doesn't get him. I think within the next few weeks we'll get that all set.
But Live each life to the fullest, remember to hug your kids, for no real reason. Don't go to bed without saying I love you... Kisses & Hugs heal alot.... Love like your dying, Forgive when you can. && make sure you have everything set, that way your family doesn't have to go through a ton of crap when already going through enough.
R.I.P Josh Stedman, You'll be missed, alot. Having fun riding that big truck in the sky. && Tell Daddy I say Hi.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
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