Today was a good day in some ways. Yes Thomas was gone out on the road longer then he should have been. And yes my son was a pain in the butt! But Today I remembered how great it was just to walk down the street with a camera in my hand, ear buds in my ear. I haven't done that in forever & a day it seems. Amazingly it totally relaxed me. I had forgot how good that feeling was.
Yes I might have looked a little stupid to the people who drove past me, or watched me through there front doors, but It was GREAT. Stupid great. & I was only gone for maybe 45 minutes. I got some great shots.
When things got really bad with Daddy I kind of stopped doing things like that. I mean I had my camera, & I used it mostly in the yard or with John, but for the second time since Novemeber Im really really enjoying getting out there, using the camera. I can't explain what it does to me. And yes I know that Im not the worlds greatest, but theres just something that soo relaxing seeing the world through the eye of the camera. Corny I know.
I have always had a love for pictures/photography, but truthful I figured it was just a phase in my life. Like writing was. I havent written anything more then a blog in years. I use to love writing, If I had kept on my short stories in highschool & did what I promised & turned them into novels I would have been the one making a shit load of money not the author of Twilight. But alas it wasn't meant to be.
&& My love for photography is just growing stronger.
Im looking forward to looking for into the collage I choose. Hopefully Thomas & I can afford it, so I can get my degrees & live out my goals. Even though It kinda bugs me that people who never really cared for photography are now wanting to make it there job too. Sighs. O well
Anyway enough is enough, Im going back to doing whatever I was doing before I logged in...
Lots of Love.
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