Monday, December 27, 2010

To Answer the Question of Why Im not in School for Photography

 So in the past few weeks, I have been asked just a few times on why I haven't gone to back to school for Photographer. It's not that I don't want to. Well Okay. Sighs. I guess I am going to have to explain this one.

I do want to go to school for Photography. I really do. But I don't. I love Photography. To me there is no better way for me to Relax. & There lies problem number one of me going to school for it. I love Photography, It isn't a Job for me. Its a hobby, something I do, just for me. (Well I take pictures for other people, but I do it because I want too, or have been talked into it.) I don't want to lose the love of it. I don't want it to become something I HAVE TO DO. I want it to stay something I love doing. *Like Christmas this weekend, a few people where surprised that I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do.*

         Another reason I haven't gone into Photography, sighs,The term Socially Awkward comes to mind. I know I am awkward towards people. I know I am. & I know my friends if reading this are laughing to themselves because they are use to me bossing them around, moving them to where I think the photos would look best at. But they are friends, People who I've been able to get over this damn shyness with. I can't do it with a bunch of strangers. Trust me. I've tried. Im not the kind of girl that is okay in a group of people, being in the center.  Shy doesn't even begin to cover it. It takes me forever to crawl out of this shell that I've built up. I really need to get over it & to be fair I'm trying. I really am. But Awkward suits me......... The word about sums it up.

There's a few more reasons. Like Money. That's an issue. Ummmm, I guess another reason would be I don't think my pictures are all that great. Just saying.... I do it for me. I like it & yea.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas & Snow!!!

But sadly they did not fall on the same day.

                 Christmas this year was really great. Santa was super nice to John & I this year. John has been glued to his Wii. & I can dance merrily around the house in my very own New England Pats Jersey. =) We had a great day with our friends & our family. I was really excited that one of our dear friends was able to make it home in time for Christmas. That in its self made it worth it. It truly was a Christmas Miracle!!!!!!!!! Welcome Home is all I am going to say.

             Then around 1:30 A.M. the snow came in. <3 It makes me miss the North. A lot. But It was amazing to see it, to walk in it, & of course to play in it!!!! John had a blast, & we learned that our newest Member of our Family, Sammie, LOVES the snow as much as I do. Of course I think everyone I live around thinks I am insane. *Not that, that is anything new....* Because of course the Snow Started falling around 1:12 & by 1:30 A.M I'm walking the dog. I stayed up late just to see the snow start. Of course I spent most of the day *Between 7 this morning, and 6 O'clock tonight playing in it. Off and on.* John had a blast throwing Snow Balls at his daddy & I.

This weekend all in all was pretty amazing. It might have started off really crappy, but it only got better. =)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Been A While.

I noticed that I hadn't posted a update since last month. Sorry. Things have been kind of crazy around here with Best friend coming to visit. & Getting ready for Christmas!!! But I am still alive & I will update more later... Right now I have too much engery to sit still at the computer.

*Starbucks DoubleShots should not be drank at 8:00 p.m Just Saying!!!*