Another reason I haven't gone into Photography, sighs,The term Socially Awkward comes to mind. I know I am awkward towards people. I know I am. & I know my friends if reading this are laughing to themselves because they are use to me bossing them around, moving them to where I think the photos would look best at. But they are friends, People who I've been able to get over this damn shyness with. I can't do it with a bunch of strangers. Trust me. I've tried. Im not the kind of girl that is okay in a group of people, being in the center. Shy doesn't even begin to cover it. It takes me forever to crawl out of this shell that I've built up. I really need to get over it & to be fair I'm trying. I really am. But Awkward suits me......... The word about sums it up.
There's a few more reasons. Like Money. That's an issue. Ummmm, I guess another reason would be I don't think my pictures are all that great. Just saying.... I do it for me. I like it & yea.